"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think on these things." Phil. 4:8
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Father's Day and New Wheels
Father's Day was pretty special in our house, mostly because we have a pretty special daddy that we got to spoil and celebrate. We made C's favorite egg dish, gifted him with a new evergreen tree for the yard. We headed off to church and then went to purchase some new beach cruisers for C (and me). We have had lots of fun cruising with the kids around the neighborhood. Big G loves to ride and Little G typically falls asleep. Happy Father's Day to a wonderful daddy and husband. You are the best C and we love you!
What A Beautiful Day
I have been falling behind on my blogging, I guess we have just been enjoying our summertime weather. We have had some rain back here, but this week and last Wednesday were just beautiful. C took a 1/2 day and we were invited to our friends Beachwalk vacation house. We loaded up the car and drove less than an hour to an absolutely wonderful resort. We swam till late afternoon, went back to their house for a cookout and then headed down to Lake Michigan for some more swimming and to watch the sunset. What a beautiful day. I felt the most refreshed since we have lived here. Being around the water, sand and sun was something that our good Lord ordered for us that day. The kids had so much fun playing with the other kids and swimming, they passed out as soon as we put them in the car. Here are some shots from our day.
Friday, June 6, 2008
She's A Walkin' Girl
Well, last week Little G was taking a few steps here and there and then last Sunday she started walking all over the place. She still goes from crawling to walking, but she is choosing walking much more. Here she is going to her favorite place in the house - the playroom. It is so amazing how quickly they grow and change in the first year. Go little girl, Go!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer. Go Speed Racer GO....
Well, we hit another milestone in Big G's life. We went to Toys R Us a couple of weeks ago with Gift Cards from many family members and we were able to purchase him a new bike. Thanks everyone for the gift cards - here is the friut! C was amazed that I had saved so many of them - so many that we could get him a big boy bike. So Fun!!! He of course took it for a test drive THROUGH the store. He then so proudly rode his new wheels out the store and around the parking lot. He wanted to make sure we got home as soon as possible so that he could ride it outside and around the block. He LOVES his new bike. It is a new freedom for him and something that will give me gray hairs. It's so awesome to see him grow and thrive and then on the other hand my mom's heart aches because he is growing up so quickly. So here's to another chapter of growth in our little guys life. Be careful my boy, we love you so much!
The One Little (big) piggie!
The Garden's are in!!!
After a couple of weeks of building boxes, setting boxes, hauling dirt, deciding on veggies to plant and then finally planting - our garden boxes are in! The couple of neighborhood families are sharing in the upkeep, care and the harvesting. It was a really fun process and everyone is excited to see what we yield through the summer. On the deck I planted some herb pots - basil, cilantro and chives. The garden has swiss chard, onions, green beans, squash (yellow and green), 5 tomato plants, peppers (several kinds) and cucumbers. In the yard we are planting cantaloupe and watermelon. It will be fun to see what grows. I know love and care have already proceeded with all the time C put into these. I am so grateful for his work. Thanks honey!
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