Last Monday, we braved the cold and did our annual trip to the city to see the sights and enjoy the season with the kids. While we were there, we were dining in the same restaurant as Lieutenant Gov. Pat Quinn. We were able to capture a picture with the guys and the Gov. graciously passed out his business cards to the kids. We didn't want to break it to him that we are Hoosiers and can't vote for him, but none-the-less, it was a fun moment. I think he has his new cabinet don't you think. We offered to pray for him due to all that is going on in Ill government at the moment. His reply, "We need all the prayer we can get!" Wow! Here are some other highlights of our day. Little G found herself in a very large banquet room where she made herself at home. One of her admirers said to me, "Gee, you never know, maybe she'll have her wedding reception here someday!" Ugh, I wanted to cry. Married! Wedding! My goodness, she's only one and a 1/2. But... I have to admit, the thought crossed my mind as I watched her check out the room. Well, more holiday pics to come, but for now, here is a one of many festivities we have done in the past few weeks leading up to Christmas.