Merry Christmas 2007!
The excitement is brewing around the Contreras' House today as Christmas Eve is here today. There are gifts under the tree for friends and family and Big G keeps asking if he can open them. The count today is 5 times in the past 2 hours! He is about ready to crawl out of his skin with joy! Mickey Mouse Christmas is on in the living room, the smell of coffee is flowing around the house, Gracie is down for her morning nap, the last minute grocery list is on the counter for C (God bless this man, he is always doing a grocery run for his forgetful wife) and the spirit of Christmas is truly in the air today. Big G opened his final advent door today and pulled out Jesus. One of the goals this year was to focus on what Christmas is really about and today was fruit of a goal. Gabriel knows that the season is about Jesus. He loves the presents and Santa thoughts (which I love too), but he knows that tonight we will sing Happy Birthday to Jesus with our friends. It brings me so much peace and joy to see Big G loving the Holidays and enjoying the true meaning. Thanks Aunt Angie for the Advent calendar - such a great gift that we will enjoy year after year.
1 comment:
I can't believe you have Christmas Eve already posted. Also, happy to hear you and Charlie had a nice anniversary celebration - congratulations!
I love the picture of Gabriel and Gracie with the reindeer ears - tell Gabriel he looks like a reindeer.
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