Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Picture Perfect Pigtails

Little G's hair is gettin' long and I am trying to figure out what to do with it! It's not quite long enough to do much, yet it is seeming a bit out of control at the moment. So between distracting her and basically pinning her down - here are some of her pigtail pictures. Taking her picture is about as challenging as doing the little one's hair. Pardon the messy mouth, she was heading in for a bath and I wanted to get the picture of the pigtails before they were dismantled.


mary said...

Gracie is so lucky to have her own personnal hair dresser. And a Mommy that gently washes and brushes her hair. I know you hated doing it, but I appreciate all the hair-do's you gave me. So for old times sake, "Will you braid my hair?"

The Contreras Family News said...

Anytime - I'll be there @ 6am