This week we have been hit with the flu and Erythema multiforme. Yep, say that 10 times fast. Big G was on an antibiotic for his continual jaw pain and after a week, broke out into these huge welts ALL over his body. Poor boy. He has been miserable and truly has wanted to crawl out of his skin with the itching. I can only imagine the torture. Little G and I have been layin' low with the flu. That seemed to come in like a vengence but has cleared up rather quickly. Praise God! Kids sick is bad, but when mama is down that is down right horrible. C took a half day and came home and took care of the kiddos while I got a really good rest yesterday and that has done wonders. Now if this darn headache of 4 days would go away, I'd be ready to run a marathon (well, at least I think I would). We are waiting for Big G's rash to run it's course. It's not contagious, thank you Lord again! Things we are grateful for this week. Little G: Tylenol, chicken noodle soup, blankies, gatorade and naps. Big G: Benadryl, Tylenol, Aveeno bath and anti-itch cream. Mom: Ibruprofen softgels, soup, crackers, gatorade, a wonderful husband, prayer and all the lessons the Lord has for us even in the tough times. Praying all is well in your world!
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