If you'd ask me what we have been up to around here, I would tell you lots of fun kid stuff, swimming, playing ya know summer stuff. BUT, for me I have been creating a very close bond with these little babies on a pretty daily basis.
We are spending a lot of time together and they are really going the distance for me - if you catch my drift! To be exact, they have carried me 78 + miles in the past month and half and we have probably that much more before the big race on August 2. I have very much enjoyed the running. It has been a disciple that I have enjoyed challenging my flesh with. There is never a time that I look forward to running 5 plus miles, finding someone to watch my kids, making sure I have had enough nutrition and fluids to carry me through and then there is the temperature and time of day to run. The list goes on and on. BUT, the other day when I had to go 8 miles. I really had to plan my run. I called a friend who was at the half way point and asked if they'd set a cup of water out so I could get a quick drink and keep going. Well, Jeff was so gracious, he gave me a COLD BOTTLE of water. Well, at 4 miles and hot, I was not about to take a sip and leave this beautiful cold bottle of liquid relief behind. No pockets, not gonna hold it for another 45 minutes. What is a GIRL to do? Well, I had to be creative and this is what I came up with.....

Yes, you guessed it, I used what God gave me and it was a lifesaver. I am sure I am not the first to have figured this out. But man was I grateful for it. It saved me! Off to do 5 tomorrow. I think I'll stash some waters in the bushes around the neighborhood for this one!
LOL- that's awesome. Keep up the good work. 1.5 more weeks- eek!! You can do it- I know you can!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it! love you xoxo
I was thinking of you today and hope your body is adjusting to your training schedule. One more week to go..........I'll be thinking of you this week and lifting you up in prayer. You are amazing. love you,
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