I love traditions. In fact as a child I remember many traditions, especially around the holidays. I remember Christmas Eve and Mid-Night mass and Christmas morning at my mom's house and then off to my dad's for Christmas Day and Night. So many other little things are woven into the holidays that naturally carry on in our family now and many more new ones are springing up as our two are past the infant stages. Some traditions that are being birthed around our home is teaching the kids to give in this season. So we are gearing up for the big toy purge of 2009. Both the kids will get grocery bags and they can go through the house and find some things that they don't play with much anymore and into the bag it goes and off to a thrift store we head. Others are integrating the true meaning of the season into a daily practical way so that they "get" why we do what we do during this time. I love to read to the kids before bed, so I have been gathering books that teach on the season. I keep a basket in the hallway so the kids have access to it and pick their pick before bed. Tradition. On Christmas Eve we sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and celebrate His birth. We put Jesus and God into the season. We tell the kids that they get gifts because it's Jesus' birthday and HE loves us so much that he let's us get the gifts for him. "Isn't He giving?" I tell the kids. God gave us Jesus as a gift on Christmas and we remember that by giving gifts to celebrate that. Tradition. Serving others during this time (any time frankly) by buying groceries, buying gifts, sending letters and cards to those who typically don't receive is something else we are trying to cultivate in the kids. So this year we will make cards, buy gifts and food and have them participate in the giving of them. The picture above is of our neighbor growing up, "Mr. & Mrs. Wylie" Mrs. Wylie is a big part of my memories growing up. She never had children, but my brothers and sisters would go over and visit her just about everyday. She taught my sister to tell time and I spent many hours chatting and following her around her house as a little girl. She always bought us a gift at Christmas and now we go and visit her. Her husband has passed away so she is all alone. We love her and now my kids get to spend time with her on the holidays. Tradition. Traditions make me smile inside. Traditions give me joy and peace. Tradition goes deep and carries on for generations. What are some of your traditions? Do share. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving this week. So much to be thankful for.
Nice post. Good memories. I liked our tradition of eating at Del Taco then going to get our tree.
That's a good one too
Very sweet. I love the pictures of all of you with Mrs. Wylie- I too have many memories of spending time at their house with all their cool gadgets. They loved all of us kids and it's so great that you take the kids over to see her. I am sure she gets such a kick out of seeing all of you as well as Gabriel and Gracie. One of my favorite traditions is waking up at mom and Dick's Christmas morning- coffee, Christmas songs and gift opening by the fire and Chili Cheese puff for breakfast. Another tradition would be our $10 gift exchange- always a fun time. Love and miss you all! xoxox
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