Sunday, February 28, 2010

Valentine's Day Brownies

I am getting my last Feb. 2010 post in before March sneaks in, in about 25 minutes. These little numbers pictured here were truly an act of love. With all creative projects,time seems to always take over the fun of it all. The end result for Big G's Preschool party was all worth it when I loaded up the cute red basket and happily handed out the yummy brownies to the kiddos. It truly took a village for these little numbers to come to fruition. The bags were shipped from my friend in Cali. - Thanks Carrie and well... the rest is history. Oh.. and Happy Valentine's Day about 13 days late!

Winter time fun!

Keeping the kids entertained on these cold and snowy days can be a job in and of itself. The Wii game has been a wonderful gift this winter - it keeps Big G entertained and active. He LOVES winning "1st place" in the games as you can see in the picture. Anything but 1st place is grounds for therapy for him. Little G on the other hand has been enjoying her Princess castle from grandma from Christmas AND the homemade Play-doh from Auntie Ashley. She loves "cooking" with her doh. All ways to keep them entertained and happy until the warm weather comes our way.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

This is how you do it!

Little G and Big G love to play Candyland. BUT, Little G has her own way to play. As you can see, it makes perfect sense to a 2 year old. When she plays, this is what I'll find. And as you can see, it makes her quite proud!

Little G + gymnastics = Happy girl!

Little G has been wanting to go to gymnastics since last summer when Big G took his class. I kept telling her she had to wait until she got a little older. Well, with much checking around, we went with a one month free trial and are just giving it a try. She by far is the youngest and smallest in the class, BUT, she loves it! She can't wait until her next class and now that she has a Disney Princess leotard, there may be no turning back. Here she is in all her glory and joy. Like I said, she can't wait until next class.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Big G is the Big 5!

So hard to believe my little guy is 5! So hard to imagine! But he will never be as young as he is today, so I am enjoying this time with him. We celebrated with family and friends. It seemed to be a birthday that just didn't end. It was wonderful to celebrate our boy. He amazes me with his thinking. He loves the Lord and His Son Jesus - the best gift that Big G can truly give us is that! We pray for him daily asking for God's guidance and direction to raise him in His ways. We pray this next year will be filled with many blessings for you G. We love, cherish and celebrate the gift God gave us in YOU!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Big G's School Program

Big G's School has it's Winter Jubilee. We had a fun time watching he and his friends sing their hearts out at the show. Big G really gets into the singing and the motions. I was praying that with all his moving that he wouldn't fall off the back of the risers. AND.... he didn't! We clapped and cheered on these cute little people.