Monday, May 26, 2008

A dose of reality

I think it's official, we are Indiana-ized. C pulled up to the house with this contraption and I thought, "Oh my goodness, what is going on here???!!!" Of course the G's loved it. The truth is we are putting in 4 garden boxes in our backyard and C was collecting dirt for it. Big G is helping with the shoveling. And they're off!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Our Ten Month Old Little Girl

Little G just turned 10 months this past Saturday. I am so amazed at all that is developing in her. Here are just a couple of things that she is doing these days:

Getting a new perspective from the stairs


Swingin' at the park

Eating ALL by myself!!!

Deep tub diving

Cooking up gourmet meals for the family

Trying new hair styles

Sharing my opinion on life

This growing up thing is just one big adventure after another. What will the next few months bring?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The New Time Out Spot

C was "playing" with the kids when he called for me to come "see." When I entered the room this was the sight I saw. Both of them on "Time Out." Not really, it just looked like a good idea when we saw them sitting there so still and content. I think they actually both "like" this spot, so it's not a good time out spot (I would never put my kids somewhere like this long term, just to clarify). Just liked the scene and wanted to share.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Is tomorrow comin'?

I am looking forward to tomorrow. I have gem of a friend who is gone on a conference with a team from church (which includes C) and she is totally blessing me with a babysitter tomorrow. Let me preface this with the info. that C has been gone on a conference to Florida last week returned home, dumped his laundry, reload his bags and was off this week to Atlanta for conference #2 and will be leaving next week for a camp up in Wisconsin for another 4 days. SO... being the great an insightful friend, she knew I would need a bit of a break from the children. The sitter arrives @ 9 am and can stay for most of the day if I need her. I am up tonight making my Freedom To Do List for tomorrow. I do love my kids, but there is an excitement in my bones this evening just thinking about driving alone tomorrow with a cup of hot coffee, listening to something beside "Curious George" and having the freedom to go wherever I want. No carseats, no diaper bag, no road snacks, no worries of feedings, diaper changes and ..... well the list goes on and on as you can imagine. So tomorrow I will wake up, DO my hair, wear a snot/food free outfit and hit the road. If you are wondering what I am doing, the list so far is:
  1. Car Oil change (way overdue)
  2. Pedicure (way, way overdue)
  3. The mall to exchange some of Little G outfits
  4. Old Time Pottery for some house decor items or Hobby Lobby - I haven't decided.
  5. Wherever else the wind may blow me
Whether I do any of these things or all -I am most grateful for my friend who is a mom and knows the need for breaks to be a better mom. I love her for blessing me with such a gift of excitement, peace, rejuvenation and fun. I'll keep you posted on the day.