Saturday, July 19, 2008

Spiderman is in the house!

Relaxing after long day of rescuing friends and family

Big G's new thing is Action Heros, Spiderman specifically. There is always a new "thing" that he is into, so not knowing what next week may bring, I had to get a bit creative and find things around the house to help him with his playtime. So with a paper plate, watercolor paints, a PJ top and long pants, rainboots and winter gloves, Spider man was in full form Saturday Night. Here is Spidey shooting his web and striking a pose for the camera. (I always wondered why I had to take a college art class, now I know why - to make Spiderman paper plate masks - who knew?!)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

And How Does Your Garden Grow?

Here is our Romaine Lettuce, Sweet and Hot Banana Peppers, Green Beans & Squash

I was so excited, we went out back the other day to check on the garden and we were actually able to pick some of our veggies. It is so exciting, everything is growing so well. The plants are taking over to be quite honest. But in a few weeks we will have tomatoes that will be ready to pick. Check out the yield thus far. Now I have to get some good recipes. Here's to good health!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Little G's 1st Year Celebration

Here is our happy birthday girl with her party hat
Here she is in her cute little dress so happy to be showing off her hat
Party day has arrived and there was swimming
Tons of bubbles and kids to play with
Lots of bouncing and sliding
Aunt Mary and Uncle Luke save the day with their help, party favors and love for Little G
Seems like yesterday that we were posing with Big G on his 1st birthday! Amazing!
The glorious act of getting into her cake. She loved it and was quite content to sit there and eat! We had a great time celebrating Little G's birthday. She had about 55 people here throughout the day to celebrated with her. She received many new and fun toys that she has been enjoying. What a fun day. Thanks Aunt Angie for all the decorations. It made the party very festive! Happy Birthday little one ~ you are so loved!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

364 Days!

Tomorrow our baby girl turns 1! It is hard to believe a year and so much growth has transpired in this precious little one God has blessed us with. To date:
  • She walks
  • She talks, says, "daddy, mama, Gah (for big brother), doggy and woof, bye, bye, hi, Uh Oh!, night, night, bah (for ball) and no,no"
  • She climbs up and down the stairs
  • Loves books and music
  • Loves to dance, jump, slide and swing
  • Adores the water
  • Loves bike rides with her daddy, mama and big brother
  • She is into everything and likes anything that she not supposed to have
  • She simply loves life and we love watching her explore
But most of all we love our little G. She is such a joy and she is just so full of life. God has given us such a gift in her. Happy Birthday little joy. We love and bless you always little G