Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just sayin' hello!

I can't quite figure out what God is trying to teach me here. But in the last few months I have lost my new (good) camera and our computer decided to die last week. So... that has left me a bit frustrated in the world of mommyhood. I won't bore you with my cell phone saga. I also lost both of my suits on our trip to CA. And no I was not wearing them when they disappeared. They are MIA as well. pics and no place to upload, no suits and cell phone issues. Can anyone come up with the link here? I know, I know, it's a bizarre entry today. The up side, C brought his laptop home from work so that I could at least check in with Cyber world. We have a new computer on order and it should be here soon. My problem is, is that ALL my pictures are on our dead computer. I have 95% backed up, thank you Lord. the other 5% I will have to deal with in counseling (haha). I so have an attachment to my pictures. It will take some time to get everything back in order. Lesson learned on backing up documents. As for the swimsuits, cell phone and camera - I'll have to get back to you on those. Well... Just sayin' hi


Jen said...

I was wondering what happened to you!! Bummer about the computer. I am bad about uploading pics on our computer- I should be placing them on the hard drive at all times! Well, I think I learned my lesson! I hope you find all the other items. xoxo

The Contreras Family News said...

Hey Jen,
Yes, back up your pics somewhere. Although you have everything with you Kodak account which is nice.
Hopefully next week I'll have some new pics of the kiddos.