Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some random info. to let you know we are still here!

WOW, almost a whole month has gone by without a post. So sorry. But looking back at my last post tells why. The weather is getting nicer, Big G is riding his bike everywhere, Little G is living outside and hangin' with the big kids, there have been park dates, bon fires and BBQ's. To date I have run over 30 miles since my last post in training for this 1/2 marathon, we have projects outside every time I turn around. We hauled 3 yards of dirt on Saturday to expand our garden, but it is in. And the patio off the deck is almost done, and the 2 yards of mulch around out house is lookin' great. Let's see... anything else..., oh I'm sure there is, but I won't bore you with the details. The good news, my camera is working again and we have been healthy for a couple of months now. Amazing!!! Weather is the trick and none of us got the Swine Flu, or anyone else we know for that matter. Off to bed and to hydrate, have to keep up on this training schedule! I'll get some pics up on what's been happening around here very soon. And remember, "Time is a very precious gift from God; so precious that it's only given to us moment by moment." My devotional quote by Amelia Bark from yesterday. Hope you are enjoying your precious moments today!

1 comment:

Janice said...

I just love your blog Anne! It makes my day! I only miss seeing you guys regularly, but the pics are all over to remind me! Love you, Janice C.(for Contreras)