Monday, May 17, 2010

Kids - They say the funniest things!

The other day I FINALLY found a solution to my laundry room door with windows. I found some nice curtains that allows some nice sun block and yet allows me to see out and keep an eye on the kids when they play. SO... after seeing the new window coverings, Big G says,"Mom, I like the new window sheets you have in here!"
Me : "What sheets are on the windows?"
Big G: "The one's right there!"
Me: "Oh, those are curtains."
Big G: "Curtains?! That's a weird name, they look like sheets!"
Me: "You are right, from now on Big G, we will call curtains - window sheets."

Funny stuff!

Part 2 of this post.
Little G and Big G are laying in bed reading books together and here is what I heard from the hallway.
LG: Graybriel, do you know my daddy Charlie?
BG: Yes LG.
LG: Graybriel, do you know my Grandma?
BG: Yes LG.
LG: Graybriel, do you know my mommy Anne?
GB: YEEESSS LG, they are all my famlily too... (frustration and sigh)
LG: NOOO day not Graybriel, day mine.
GB: YYESSS they ARE!!!!
LG: NOOO day not!!
And the argument began.

Crack me up!!!


Jen said...

I love the translation of how LG says her words- too cute! Kids do say the darndest things! Oh, and I will just comment here that I am glad you go a new camera. Looks like it takes great pics. Love and hugs to all!

abc1234 said...

So very cute to hear "out of the mouths of babes". And Gabyriel the big brother trying to make sense of it all.....and such a young man.
love you all.

mary said...

Hilarious! Hope it ended friendly.