Thursday, July 12, 2007

Gracie Anne Contreras has arrived

Well, we have been blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Gracie arrived at 10:17 am 7/9/07. She weighed in at 6 lbs. 15 oz and measured 18 3/4 inches in length. She is such a wonderful baby and you can never imagine how quickly they grab your heart. Because she was a C-Section I wasn't able to see her right away, but I could hear her cry and my heart immediately connected with hers. If I could have gotten up right then and picked her up I would have. We came home yesterday from the hospital and it's so wonderful to be home and together as a family. We have been blessed with so many people offering meals, help and prayers. God never ceases to amaze us with God's people and their giving hearts. My sister Mary has been here since Monday taking care of Gabriel and helping me out too. My mom and other family will be coming down this weekend to visit. Gracie has some wonderful people in her life (we all do). Thanks for sharing this very special time with us. We couldn't be happier or more blessed than we are right now - this moment. Enjoying the power of a "moment." I'm stopping each day to do just that - finding moments to bathe my spirit in the moments that God sends our way each day. Just stopping and taking them in. It's amazing how grateful my heart becomes when I do just that.
God bless you all and enjoy the pictures of Miss Gracie Anne Contreras. We love you all.

1 comment:

Jen said...

OMG- she's beautiful! She's looks different than Gooby did- I think she looks more like Charlie! You are truly blessed and I can't WAIT to meet her!! I started crying when I saw the picture of Gooby checking her out- SO PRECIOUS!!
Love to you all! xoxo