Thursday, September 20, 2007

G's Bedroom addition

When we painted G's room, I thought the white border idea was a really cool idea until it was done and then I had to come up with what to put in this nifty little space. At night when I would put him to bed I would stare at this big white space and try to come up with something really neat to put there. Well.... neat, I don't know, but Charlie ran across this very sweet poem on boys and I went through all my favorite pictures of G and came up with this. These pictures really don't do it justice. I was hard to capture the whole wall. But G loves the pictures of him swimming, throwing rocks and hanging out by the water. His very favorite things. Oh... the poem reads:

"That little Boy of Mine"

Two eyes that shine so bright.
Two lips that kiss goodnight.
Two arms that hold me tight.

That little boy of mine.
No one could ever know
How much your coming has meant.
Because I love you so,

Your something heaven sent.
You’re God’s gift to me.
You climb upon my knee.

To me you’ll always be,

That little boy of mine.

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