Sunday, December 9, 2007

Come Closer to Christmas

This week at my MOPS group we had a wonderful woman come and share about coming Closer to Christmas. Her name is Jane Rubietta. and she shared a very special message that challenged me this week. She presented us with 4 "Be Challenges" and they are to: Be Trim (cut out all the non-essentials), Be Realistic (AMEN!), Be Quiet (I'll really have to try on this one) and Be Grateful (ouch!... that one always gets me). She left us with a homework assignment that I have been working on in my head since last Thursday and the task was to make a Wish List this holiday. The list should focus on: "What are your deepest longings this holiday season?" Here are a few that I have come up with and am working on these upcoming weeks.
  • That my children will KNOW the true meaning of Christmas and that I would be one of the models for that truth.
  • That I enjoy the process of Christmas and not just want to "get it all done!"
  • That through the process of the holiday we would make lasting memories and create family traditions.
That's all the I have come up with so far, but if you'd like to be challenged like I was, I invite you to join me in the process and share your thoughts with me.

Merry Christmas and May you sense God's love and peace this season!

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