Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Garden's are in!!!

After a couple of weeks of building boxes, setting boxes, hauling dirt, deciding on veggies to plant and then finally planting - our garden boxes are in! The couple of neighborhood families are sharing in the upkeep, care and the harvesting. It was a really fun process and everyone is excited to see what we yield through the summer. On the deck I planted some herb pots - basil, cilantro and chives. The garden has swiss chard, onions, green beans, squash (yellow and green), 5 tomato plants, peppers (several kinds) and cucumbers. In the yard we are planting cantaloupe and watermelon. It will be fun to see what grows. I know love and care have already proceeded with all the time C put into these. I am so grateful for his work. Thanks honey!

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