Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm A Big Girl Now!

Gracie is 6 months old tomorrow and she had her first bite of cereal last week and she loved it! She was in for her check up today and she weighs 14 lbs 1 oz. She's our little and loving peanut. She is getting so big and developing so much. She's a joy and she loves her new food!


Anonymous said...

Oh my Anne...she is beautiful! I'm so glad you started this blog. I love to see your family. I seriously miss you and love to see glimpses of your life! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

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Jen said...

OMG- I remember the first time Cole ate cereal...seems like ages ago. Now he's an eating machine! The kids are getting so big!! Oh and one of Cole's favorite songs is 5 little monkey's jumpin' on the bed, so tell Goo his cuz likes that song too.

Love and miss you TONS!
xoxo, Jen