Tuesday, January 29, 2008

They love being together

I am treasuring these sweet moment with the kids. They love to hang out with each other. Everytime Big G is with Little G he says, "Take my picture mommy!" He loves his little sister and Little G loves to be with him. She watches his every move and laughs her head off at him. It's sweet to witness times like these. Truly gifts from God!


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness,
I am sitting here crying with joy while I am reading your Blog and enjoying the pictures you have captures and the sweet words that come only from a mother's heart.
I love reading your blog and it makes me realize even more how much I miss you and your beautiful family, but how grateful that you share with all of us - all of you!
love, Angie

contrerasfamilynews1 said...

We love you too Aunt Angie and miss you very much. So grateful for you too.